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Splash of Class Events Mini Trial and Combined Test
Presented By Splash of Class Equestrian Events
Jul 30, 2023 - Jul 30, 2023
This event will be an inviting schooling mini trial and combined test. The event will run highest level to the lowest level.
Divisions will run Introductory through Training/Novice for both the mini trial and the combined test. There will be a ground poles division for the combined test only. All divisions may have dressage tests read.
Ground Poles- 2023 USDF Intro Test A, Ground Poles
Introductory- 2023 USDF Intro Test B, 1' jumps
Green as Grass- 2023 USDF Intro Test B, 18" jumps
Starter- 2022 USEF Starter Test, 2'3" jumps
Beginner Novice- 2022 USEF Beginner Novice Test A, 2'7" jumps
Novice- 2022 USEF Novice Test A, 2'11" jumps
Training/Novice- 2022 USEF Training Test A, 3'3" SJ, 2'11" XC
Extra Show Jumping Round:
Riders may participate in an extra non scored show jumping round for $10. This round will be after their scored round. This must be signed up for in advance with your entry.
Schooling Saturday:
Schooling of all phases will be available on Saturday, weather permitting. Riders schooling must pay with show entry and must check in with secretary prior to schooling. Riders must wear their number pinney and medical armband/bracelet for schooling.
Schooling show attire- collared shirt with sleeves, appropriate riding boots with heel, ASTM/SEI certified helmet.
Riders must wear a medical armband/bracelet and number pinney for all jumping phases. A safety vest is required for cross country. *note a number pinney will not be provided, riders must bring their own*
Please review USEF rules for tack for eventing. Horses must be in dressage legal bits. *if you need an exception due to a medical reason, please contact the secretary in advance so the judge can be made aware*
There is a limited number of stalls available on site. Stalls are $50 for the weekend. An additional $25 fee will be charged in advance as a deposit for stall cleaning. If you leave your stall clean, the $25 will be returned. If not, you will forfeit the deposit. You must provide your own bedding. There is electric in the barn.
Facility Info:
Warmups will be in open areas. We will try to mark them as well as possible. Dressage will be in a sand ring. Show Jumping is in a fenced grass jump ring.
There are bathrooms on site as well as a concession stand provided by the Duzan Riding Academy equestrian team.
All horses must have their bridle numbers on at all times on site unless in a stall.
This event will be an inviting schooling mini trial and combined test. The event will run highest level to the lowest level.
Divisions will run Introductory through Training/Novice for both the mini trial and the combined test. There will be a ground poles division for the combined test only. All divisions may have dressage tests read.
Ground Poles- 2023 USDF Intro Test A, Ground Poles
Introductory- 2023 USDF Intro Test B, 1' jumps
Green as Grass- 2023 USDF Intro Test B, 18" jumps
Starter- 2022 USEF Starter Test, 2'3" jumps
Beginner Novice- 2022 USEF Beginner Novice Test A, 2'7" jumps
Novice- 2022 USEF Novice Test A, 2'11" jumps
Training/Novice- 2022 USEF Training Test A, 3'3" SJ, 2'11" XC
Extra Show Jumping Round:
Riders may participate in an extra non scored show jumping round for $10. This round will be after their scored round. This must be signed up for in advance with your entry.
Schooling Saturday:
Schooling of all phases will be available on Saturday, weather permitting. Riders schooling must pay with show entry and must check in with secretary prior to schooling. Riders must wear their number pinney and medical armband/bracelet for schooling.
Schooling show attire- collared shirt with sleeves, appropriate riding boots with heel, ASTM/SEI certified helmet.
Riders must wear a medical armband/bracelet and number pinney for all jumping phases. A safety vest is required for cross country. *note a number pinney will not be provided, riders must bring their own*
Please review USEF rules for tack for eventing. Horses must be in dressage legal bits. *if you need an exception due to a medical reason, please contact the secretary in advance so the judge can be made aware*
There is a limited number of stalls available on site. Stalls are $50 for the weekend. An additional $25 fee will be charged in advance as a deposit for stall cleaning. If you leave your stall clean, the $25 will be returned. If not, you will forfeit the deposit. You must provide your own bedding. There is electric in the barn.
Facility Info:
Warmups will be in open areas. We will try to mark them as well as possible. Dressage will be in a sand ring. Show Jumping is in a fenced grass jump ring.
There are bathrooms on site as well as a concession stand provided by the Duzan Riding Academy equestrian team.
All horses must have their bridle numbers on at all times on site unless in a stall.
Competitions and Levels
Introductory Mini TrialUSDF Introductory Level Test B$150
Green as Grass Mini TrialIntro Test B$150
Starter Mini TrialUSEA Starter Test$150
Beginner Novice Mini TrialUSEF Beginner Novice Test A$150
Novice Mini TrialUSEF Novice Test A$150
Training/Novice Level Mini Trial (Training Level Dr & SJ, Nov XC)USEF Training Test A$150
Non-Compete Horse$50
Combined Test
Introductory Combined TestUSDF Introductory Level Test B$65
Green as Grass Combined TestUSDF Introductory Level Test B$65
Starter Combined TestUSEA Starter Test$65
Beginner Novice Combined TestUSEF Beginner Novice Test A$65
Novice Combined TestUSEF Novice Test A$65
Ground Poles Combined TestUSDF Introductory Level Test A$65
Training Level Combined TestUSEF Training Test A$65
Fees and Extras
Extra SJ round$10.00/one extra SJ round after the competition scored roundSaturday- Schooling of all phases$30.00/horse/rider pair -
Late Entry
Late Entry Fee$25.00/entry -
Standard Event Rate$75.00/event
Event Details
Schooling show attire- collared shirt with sleeves, appropriate riding footwear, ASTM/SEI certified helmet. A medical armband/bracelet and number pinney are required for the jumping phases. A safety vest is required for cross country. *number pinneys will not be provided, riders must bring their own*
Tack- please review USEF rules for tack for eventing. Bits for dressage must be legal. *if you have a specific tack request due to a medical reason, please reach out to the secretary in advance*
A current negative coggins within 1 year of the show date is required upon registering.
Refunds will be granted prior to the closing date.
Riders must sign a release upon registering.
No golf carts.
Shavings are not provided.
There are many hotels near the park. You can stay overnight at the park, but there are no hookups.
There is a large parking lot by the barns for trailers. Please fill that lot first before overflowing into the car lot. Try to stay off of the grass as much as possible.
Ride times will be posted on
Limited number of stalls on a first come, first serve basis. Stalls are $50 for the weekend. An additional $25 stall cleaning deposit must be made. If you leave your stall clean, the $25 will be returned after the show.
Please let us know if you would like to volunteer! All help is welcome and needed!
Ribbons will be awarded 1st-6th place in each division.
This show will count towards MVEA end of year awards for members. For membership information, visit
Riders may pay for an additional Show Jumping round for $10. This must be done when registering. The additional round is for practice so will not be scored and must be done after your scored round.
Schooling of all phases will be available on Saturday. You must pay for schooling with your entry. Non competing horses may school on Saturday. All schooling riders must check in with the secretary prior to mounting and wear their number pinney and medical armband/bracelet. A safety vest is required if schooling cross country.
No motorized vehicles allowed on the cross country course. This is a park maintained by the county and we must work to keep it nice!
Important Dates
- Event start date:
- Sun, July 30, 2023
- Event end date:
- Sun, July 30, 2023
- Open date:
- Fri, June 9, 2023
- Close date:
- Sun, July 9, 2023
- Late entry date:
- Fri, July 14, 2023